PVC-UE Cladding Systems are suitable for external use on buildings as a decorative and protective facing, fixed vertically, horizontally or diagonally over both brick, block, masonry and timber framed walling. When installed correctly this will reduce thermal loss by providing an additional external barrier.
Available in two designs (Shiplap and Open Vee) resembling existing timber profiles. The weather tight joint provided prevents penetration from the elements.
The cladding systems are completed with a range of trims to suit all applications.
The tough and durable finish on the cladding has a high impact strength and a weather resistant skin which requires little maintenance to retain its excellent appearance.
PVC Cladding Systems has been assessed and given an A+ rating, which allows the specifier/house-builder to claim the code for sustainable homes maximum of three points when using PVC cladding on an external wall system.